lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

No Reservations

I shall confess I like to watch food TV programs because I love to eat. And eating is far beyond the simple act of putting food in your mouth, but the ritual of making food and serving it and sharing it.
I will say I have never read a Bon Appetite magazine or a Gourmet one, but I assume that the articles we can find into them are very similar to what Mr. Anthony Bourdain narrates in his program No Reservations (a TV show that has nothing to do with Hell´s Kitchen and that stupid Gordon Ramsay).
“… I write, I travel, I eat and I´m hungry for more” says Mr. Bourdain introducing his show. And this is what I want to write about.
Usually ironic and sarcastic, this time Bourdain made was it seems a great discovery. He traveled to Madrid and found something that, as far as I can say, surprised himself. The rich culture of Spain, mixed to seven centuries of Arabic colony and the influences of other countries food are shown in this 41 minute episode of the series.
Bourdain narrates his travel in very kind terms, shutting his mouth when he has to and filling it whenever he can. Is in those moments when you can appreciate the scent of the show: the simple things around food that makes so pleasant, like a good chat.
Sited in a bullfighter bar he asks who between Rita Hayworth and Eva Gardner was hotter and the answer of the chef is: Eva Gardner was a danger with two legs.
In this episode, Bourdain talks more than he narrates and this is the good thing about it: you feel like you was there, enjoying the food and the chat with those people.
I think that shows my point: food is more than simply chewing. It´s enjoying.
You can see the full episode in the following address:

Credit of the image to

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